Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Tori made me do it...

Ok so this is my first post...so i'll guess i'll start off by telling you why i got a blogspot...yes if you've already guessed it, it's because Tori made me do it...that's right i was forced into it, coerced if you will...but i guess i should explain the story behind it, so you don't think Tori is a terrible, overbearing person...I could tell you the whole long, overdrawn tale of it all, but i'm going to keep it simple for all of you out there...Tori would't put me on her top eight unless i got a blogspot... so with much pouting and consideration...BAM...I got a blogspot...so I hope your happy Miss Tori Ohlerking... :)


Blogger tori ohlerking said...

i found it. "jesuscsaves". now i'll put you on my top eight. but you have to keep posting on here, k?

i'm happy

9:25 AM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

lol....hahaha! Great job Tori! Another one hooked! =)

1:14 PM  
Blogger Phillip LeBlanc said...

BAM eh? You have no idea what that stands for do you.

We'll work on it one step at a time :p Little do you know Tori is on a mission to convert everyone who uses myspace to a better system of online community. You'll thank her in the end.


Bloggers Against Myspace!

9:04 AM  
Blogger Jason Guidry said...

Tori's mean. Just accept it.


6:12 AM  

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