Sunday, February 11, 2007

matthew 10 stuff

So i posted not too long ago and i wanted to give you an update of what's been going on since then. Well, this past post was one of the first time i had ever really journaled like my thoughts and what i thought God's thoughts were. Well, last night i went to late night and pastor mike spoke on living by faith and being heroic for Christ. It was just such an confirmation for me to hear mike talk on so many things i had just journaled about. He spoke on taking risk for Christ and dreaming big and stuff. Idk it was just really cool. Then Reggie said some stuff that confirmed some other things about belief that i had been thinking about. Like: Why can't i just take You at your word and believe.

Then i had a leadership class at the ITI and Pastor Johnny Green spoke on Moses' obedience to God. He said how even though it only took eleven days for the Israelites to get from egypt to the promise land, moses lead them where God told him to go. It wasn't the normal thing, but Moses took God at his word and obeyed.

then after leadership class i went to the prayer room from 9:30- 11:30 and had an awesome quiet time. As i let my mind wonder a little bit, i started thinking of the story of mary and martha. When Jesus came to their house Martha reverted back to the "natural" thing to do and began hosting. She did what the culture said was right at the time, whereas mary sat at Jesus's feet and drank in his presence.

I was trying to look up this passage when i stumbled across matthew 10. this is where jesus sends out his discples to preach to the jews. One of the first things that stood out to me was in verse 9-10 where jesus tells his discples not to take any money or extra clothes or anything. I thought about how all that stuff they would have brought, they probably got in from their past life as fishermen. It was something they were able to aquire in their own strength. when jesus called them out, he wanted them to leave everything behind and trust in Him for their provision instead of their own possessions. I don't know it was just really cool to think that they had to give up everything they ahd to follow him. I can gauruntee you, they didn't think this was the smartest thing to do or what most people would expect, but then again, jesus doesn't call us to do the normal thing, he calls us to be obedient to Him.

The next thing that stood out to me was when jesus said he'd send us out like "sheep among wolves". This verse was followed by phrases like, "you will be delivered to the magistrates, when they deliver you, you shall be hated, and when they persecute you." When jesus calls us out, it's not just to some picnic in the park. We will face persecution and trials and tribulations. But jesus said, "when we are delivered up, take no thought of what you shall say, for it is not you that will speak, but the spirit of the father that lives in you."

I just keep going back to the thought that i will cost me everything to follow Him. My obedience is required. I just feel like i'll find true fulfillment when i abondon everything to Him.

another thought i had was, "i can never have all of God until theirs none of me"

in short, i'm just really excited about what God is doing in my life. My finances are already starting to line up for elevate and i havent hardly done any raising yet. I can't wait for this next season in my life to begin. I'm syked..


Blogger Connie Firmin said...

Good stuff Jordan!!!

6:48 AM  

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