Friday, September 01, 2006

a post after a post... : )

Ok I don't really know what to say today...I know you've come to expect something profound from me, but i don't think it's going to happen today...

I guess i'll start off by saying that the other day i met with tweeze about some things, and he suggested i get one of those one year bibles...well i did and it's been great reading...before this, i've never really read out of the old testement, but with this new bible, it kinda forces you too. well i've been reading out of Job, and i've learned some things...or at least been convicted of things...I think the thing that God is trying to show me from Job is not to become proud no matter how passionate and on fire for Him you are...pride is pride...

And is it just me or was tweeze's message last wednesday incredible or challenged me on so many levels...I mean i want to start a revolution in my school, i mean just the other day i spoke at Healing Hands on not wasting your time, making the most of every oppertunity, and stepping out...i know God is going to do something incredible in my school this year, but i also want him to do soemthing incredible inside my heart...i want to be completley transformed by Him...I don't want to get distracted by anything or life is His...

Another thing God has been showing me is to take advantage of every oppertunity i have to share Christ with someone, not just in words, but in deed also...He's showing me that there are plenty of oppertunities to be Jesus to many many people, i just have to look for it and act upon it...another thign God is showing me, kinda going along those lines, is that I shouldn't ahve to be convicted to do soemthign i know i should do...

oh and just a side not of something that is cool...the other day a guy by the name of Jeremy Simon, the youth pastor for the Freedom Churh in coyell called me and iformed me that they wanted to provide donouts every wednesday morning for Healing Hands...way cool...i'm super syked...

and i cant wait for the water outreach today, it's been like forever since i've been on one...wahoo....ok i think that's it...if i think of something later i'll just post again...

in christ,


Blogger Jamie said...

The Old Testament is awesome. I really like Job; it's got so many staries that are relavent in our lives today. It really shows how faithful Job was to God and what we are suposed to be in our Faith, you know. Needless to say, I like the book of Job. I hope that the outreach want well, oh and have fun bowling! :-)

6:50 PM  
Blogger Jamie said...

I wonder....

9:34 AM  

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