Saturday, April 07, 2007

fish and dr. pepper/ jambaliya

Last night me, Phillip Kelly, Laci, and Mickey had to serve at Kelly Leader's wedding. Me and Phillip served drinks while Laci and Mickey monitored the food. Well after the reception was over, Mickey told me that Mr. Leader said we could have to food to take home and her and Laci were thinking of going downtown to hand it out to the homeless, but then they couldn't go. So it was up to me and P.K. We tried calling Blake Urban, Tweeze, Reggie, Jared Ray, and a bunch of other guys, but we couldn't find anyone that could go(stinking wives, except in Jared and Reggie's case). So we called Grey, a leader at LateNite; he and his friend could go.

I guess i'll go on ahead and say that for the first time, i was kind of scared doing this. Blake knew where the guys were and he gave me directions, but i was nervous because they were in this old run-down house thing. I didn't like the idea of four guys busting up into a house that was suppose to have a bunch of guys sleeping. I talked to Phillip and he was all for it, so with much prayer and rebuking of the devil we decided to go.

So last night around 1030ish me, Phillip, Grey, and Louis drove downtown to a place where we knew they had some guys sleeping with the intent to pass out food. Well, before we left the prayerroom last night one of my prayers was that one of the guys would be out walking around teh area so we wouldn't have to bust up in the house and guess what. There was a guy walking around outside the house; isn't God awesome.

Last night was so cool. We got to meet a physical need of some guys downtown and show the love of God to those that are hurting. And really when you think about it, that's all we're here for. to seek that which is lost. It's time for us as Christian to go beyond just knowing what God's word says, but actually start doing it. It's time for us to begin to put action to our beliefs...

Well around 11:00ish my mom called and said that she couldn't go to sleep because she had a bad feeling about us being out and asked if we could come home. Needless to say when she called me i was ready to take her advice. She doesn't really worry that much, or at least when she does it's not verbally expressed to me; not to mention we were in a rather rough part of the town.

So we got to feed about five guys and show the love of Christ. I'd say it was a win.... :) :) (:-))

also i got lost going home last night. I got on the right interstate, thought i was on the wrong one,so i got off, went down another street got back on the same interstate and got off, then realized it was the right interstate all along, so got back on to go home...oh yeah....


Blogger Paula said...

you make me smile but most of all you make me PROUD!!!

love mom

9:23 AM  
Blogger Misty said...

that is so awesome!!


9:18 PM  
Blogger tori ohlerking said... need to make a post about friday for me...i need publicity- DUDE! lol.

8:31 PM  

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