Monday, April 30, 2007

Active Compassion

So my mom gave me this really good book for easter call "a long way gone". I'm not done yet, but basically it's about this young boy who become displaced by the war in his country, sierra leonne. Like i said i'm not done yet, but already God is speaking to me. With reading this book and watching Invisible Children and Blood Diamond, God is really challenging me with Action. I mean like i went to the Displace me thing this past Saturday, but it doesn't feel like enough. i want to do something. i want to go.

Tweeze said something last Wednesday about Charles Young. Charles said before he left to become a missionary that it "isn't enough to just send money anymore." I'm beginning to feel the same way, just not quite to that extent. LIke don't get me wrong, i want to go over there and like NOW but i know that God wants me to stay here and do Elevate first. But it's no longer enough for me to just talk about helping. I want to do something. God's put it on my heart to support a missionary, possibly Charles and Kristen. I just feel like if i can't go over there then i need to support those that are. i guess it kinda goes along that whole sowing and reaping principle.

I love my God. He's so awesome. He's been challenging me to take action. You know, "active compassion" is what i've kind of come to label it. It's like the love we have for Christ has to flow out of us onto others. JUSTICE. I read these two scriptures today in my quiet time.

amos 5:21-24
"I hate, I despise your religious feasts; I cannot stand your assemblies.
Even though you bring me burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them. Though you bring choice fellowship offerings, I will have no regard for them.
Away with the noise of your songs! I will not listen to the music of your harps.
But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!

This speaks a lot to me. It shows me it's more than just offering sacrifice for the sake of sacrifice. It's about your heart.

And then amos 6:1-6

Woe to you who are complacent in Zion, and to you who feel secure on Mount Samaria, you notable men of the foremost nation, to whom the people of Israel come!
Go to Calneh and look at it; go from there to great Hamath, and then go down to Gath in Philistia. Are they better off than your two kingdoms? Is their land larger than yours?
You put off the evil day and bring near a reign of terror.
You lie on beds inlaid with ivory and lounge on your couches. You dine on choice lambs and fattened calves.
You strum away on your harps like David and improvise on musical instruments.
You drink wine by the bowlful and use the finest lotions but you do not grieve over the ruin of Joseph.

When i was reading this, i couldn't help but think of how comfortable i get in my own little world. I don't think of those that don't have it as good as me. idk i just want to get out there and do something

Sunday, April 22, 2007


Ok so everyone has been telling me I need to post again, so here we go. I’m not going to make it too long because I know it’s aggravating to read. This past Friday was our 2nd Youth Rally at my school. Compared to the 30 kids we had for our Back to School Bash, this one was crazy. We had about a 100. It was put on by Velocity Youth, the youth group to my dad’s church in Coyell. Well anyway, they did a slammin job getting everything together and stuff. They led some powerful worship, had great dramas, and excellent teaching. At the end of the night there were about 60ish kids at the alter. It was powerful. At one point I went to go pray for my friend Jake and when I was praying for him, he just fell out. It was awesome, thank goodness they had another kid behind him to help me lower him because I’m too weak to do it on my own.

Then last night I went to E.A.’s prom with a girl named Hattie. We had an excellent time. We took pictures at Landry’s Photography, ate at Sullivan’s and then went to the dance. I had a really good time; some of the dancing wasn’t really my thing, but I had a good time none the less. Also, kinda going back to a post I wrote a few months ago, in our group we had a gay couple. At first I was kinda wigged out about it, but when I thought about it, it didn’t matter. I mean don’t get me wrong, I believe it’s wrong, but as far as hanging out and stuff, they’re people too. I got to talk to them both for about 10 minutes at dinner and some when we went bowling. Last night really just showed me, from all the “almost porno dancing” to these two gay guys, that we live in a lost world. There is so much hurt and pain and confusion it’s unreal. It just goes to show you that our work as Christians is desperately needed. We can no longer ignore these things or sit back and think someone else will deal with it. It’s time to love on people and show them the love of God because they are lost and confused and trying to feel the emptiness with all kind of mess. We then went bowling. I had fun. Hattie is a horrible bowler though. J

And finally a plug for Tori. This Friday at 7:00 p.m. at the annex Refuge is showing the Invisible Children dvd. You need to be there; it’s powerful stuff. It’s about the childwarriors in Uganda. So yeah, I don’t how to create links or anything so just go check out her page at

Saturday, April 07, 2007

fish and dr. pepper/ jambaliya

Last night me, Phillip Kelly, Laci, and Mickey had to serve at Kelly Leader's wedding. Me and Phillip served drinks while Laci and Mickey monitored the food. Well after the reception was over, Mickey told me that Mr. Leader said we could have to food to take home and her and Laci were thinking of going downtown to hand it out to the homeless, but then they couldn't go. So it was up to me and P.K. We tried calling Blake Urban, Tweeze, Reggie, Jared Ray, and a bunch of other guys, but we couldn't find anyone that could go(stinking wives, except in Jared and Reggie's case). So we called Grey, a leader at LateNite; he and his friend could go.

I guess i'll go on ahead and say that for the first time, i was kind of scared doing this. Blake knew where the guys were and he gave me directions, but i was nervous because they were in this old run-down house thing. I didn't like the idea of four guys busting up into a house that was suppose to have a bunch of guys sleeping. I talked to Phillip and he was all for it, so with much prayer and rebuking of the devil we decided to go.

So last night around 1030ish me, Phillip, Grey, and Louis drove downtown to a place where we knew they had some guys sleeping with the intent to pass out food. Well, before we left the prayerroom last night one of my prayers was that one of the guys would be out walking around teh area so we wouldn't have to bust up in the house and guess what. There was a guy walking around outside the house; isn't God awesome.

Last night was so cool. We got to meet a physical need of some guys downtown and show the love of God to those that are hurting. And really when you think about it, that's all we're here for. to seek that which is lost. It's time for us as Christian to go beyond just knowing what God's word says, but actually start doing it. It's time for us to begin to put action to our beliefs...

Well around 11:00ish my mom called and said that she couldn't go to sleep because she had a bad feeling about us being out and asked if we could come home. Needless to say when she called me i was ready to take her advice. She doesn't really worry that much, or at least when she does it's not verbally expressed to me; not to mention we were in a rather rough part of the town.

So we got to feed about five guys and show the love of Christ. I'd say it was a win.... :) :) (:-))

also i got lost going home last night. I got on the right interstate, thought i was on the wrong one,so i got off, went down another street got back on the same interstate and got off, then realized it was the right interstate all along, so got back on to go home...oh yeah....

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Ok sorry it’s been so long. It’s just that when you wait so long, the things you want to say begin to pile up and it makes saying it that much harder, if that makes sense. So let’s see where do I begin?
I guess I’ll start off with Amplified. I had an awesome time. Friday night Chad made an alter call for those that felt that they were called to missions. Well, I went up and had quite an experience. I don’t know if this ever happens to you, but I found it hard to pray, due to the fact that I was listening to Chad pray. Well in order for me to break through this, I had to just put everything aside and start crying out to God; well for me it’s more like screaming. Well His Spirit really fell on me. For some reason as I was praying I really felt a desire to pray for Lebanon. Then Iran, Iraq and finally the Middle East. I don’t really know if that’s because I’m called there or what, but I’ve sure been thinking about it a lot lately.
Oh, side note. As I was walking back from the alter this little girl walked up to me and asked me if I was ok, from screaming and all. I said yeah, and asked why. She said because when you started screaming, I started crying. I was like “ok, I scared her.”, but when I told Dustin, he was like, “no way dude, that was the anointing.” I didn’t think so, but I continued to think about it. Well the following night, Saturday, Chad had another alter call, but this time for those that felt a heavy call and those that have been prophesied over. I went up to the front and really struggled praying, until I started just screaming out to God. It was so awesome; I could feel God so close it was crazy. Well, after the service, this girl Ashley came up to me and said that when I started screaming, she felt like something grabbed her by the waist and all she could hear was my prayer. I was like ok God, I guess it’s You… J
And I know this isn’t in chronological order, but after praying at the alter Saturday night, Chad had an alter call and had everyone that received Christ get up on stage. I went up on stage to pray for my friends. As I was up there I really felt God impress upon my heart that this is what I was going to do with my life. I looked around at friends praying for friends and being broken before God and knew that I could do nothing else. This is what I wanted to dedicate my life to see. It was crazy… Then Pastor Dino called me up on stage to close out the Sunday service in prayer…Talk about caught me off guard.

Then this past Saturday was my senior prom and I had a blast. Tori went with me as my date; she wore a white dress with massive black polka dots and pink Barbie shoes. I had a great time with her and everyone. We salsa and jitterbug danced. OH the only thing I didn’t like was my $32 steak from Ruth Chris. Honestly, it had almost no seasoning…but other than that I had a great time.

Oh, with Amplified I forgot about the missions conference. So here’s the layout of my summer. I’m going to Las Angeles with Refuge in July, which I can’t wait. Israel fell through, so that’s a no. And I may be going to North Carolina with Refuge for my senior trip. I’m also definitely doing Elevate this coming year. I’m almost done filling out my application; all I have to do is get it notarized and I’m done. I’m going to need a lot of help with this. I’m getting some money from my mom and dad, but the rest I have to raise on my own; which is about 6,000 more dollars. I made t-shirts that I’m selling, so if you would like to buy one that would be awesome. Pastor Bud, pastor of Freedom Church in Colyell Louisiana is taking up an offering for me, which I’m super-excited about. And I’m also sending out support letters, a bunch of them. So don’t be surprised if you get one in the mail. Your prayers are also desperately needed, for L.A. as well as Elevate. Please pray that our L.A. trip will go smoothly and have a massive impact on those we reach out to. Pray that we’ll be changed through the experience. Pray that everyone’s finances will come in for it. Also pray for the finances for Elevate to be there. Thank you guys so much for your support and friendship.

Finally, I can’t wait to go spear fishing in Lake Maurepas. It’s going to be great.!!!!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Post coming soon...i promise

ok so i know i haven't posted in a while...give me alittle while longer and then theyll come...possibly... :O